Other Diseases
Bronchial Asthma
Fungi and Protozoa, Malaria
Deactivation of Toxins – Botulism et al – Snake bite, Poison Ivy,
Lyme’s Disease, Pancreatic cancer and Non Healing wounds
Biliary Disease
Kidney Disease
Migraine Headaches
InfertilityBronchial Asthma
Positive results of an 80 case study
Miley, G.P., Seidel, R.E., Christensen, J.A. (1943) "Intractable Bronchial Asthma, Preliminary Report of Results Observed in 80 Cases," Archives of Physical Therapy 24:533-42
With Bronchial Asthma comparing hundreds of patients. LBI and UBI’s were very similar. Both conveyed a “beautiful therapeutic effect.”
Sukhanova, G. I. (1993). Laser Therapy in the Far East [Russian]. Vladivostok: Dal’nauka
Fungi and Protozoa
UBI has been effectively used for malaria – see www.Harrismed.com and click on PT2 on the left side
A Russian study on Candidiasis resulted in the cure of 8 out of 10 cases
Frick, G. (1989). Fibel der Ultrviolettbestrahlung des Blutes. Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitaet Greifswald
Deactivation of Toxins – Botulism et al – snake bite, poison Ivy,
A single treatment on a woman in a coma with advanced botulism brought her back to health in 13 days.
Miley, G.P. (1946). "Recovery from Botulism Coma Following Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (Knott Technic)," Review of Gastroenterology 13:1:17-19
Lymes Disease, Pancreatic cancer and Non Healing wounds
Non-Healing Wounds
6 cases of non-healing wounds – all appeared to respond very well to UBI
Miley, G.P. (1944). "Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (Knott Technique) Therapy in Non-Healing Wounds," American Journal of Surgery 65:3:368-72
Also check out the Harrismed.com web site for non healing wounds. UBI seems very effective in this area
Biliary Disease
Biliary Disease encompasses a wide spectrum of disorders caused by abnormalities in bile composition. Dr Olney treated 383 patients with this disease in the mid 1940s. 3 almost moribund, 5 very severe, 264 chronic without stones and 56 chrinic with stones, 55 chronic cholangitis and hepatitis, gall bladder previously removed.
The three almost moribund all recovered 2 left the hospital in 24 and 18 days and were in good health one year later. 4 of the 5 of the severe recovered without an operation. The others in the groups had good recoveries some with operations. He reported that UBI had great effects in limiting peritonitis, ileus, pain, pulmonary complications and phlebitis.
Olney, R.C. (1946). "Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation, Knott Method, in Biliary Disease," American Journal of Surgery 72:235-7
In 1950 Dr Rebbeck reported similar successes. Comparing 110 who had UBI and 226 others who did not.
Excessive nausea, vomiting and use of untubation in the UBI - 2.7% control – 33.1%
Excessive abdominal distension – UBI – 11.8% control - 28.8%
Temperatures above 102 - UBI – 15.4% control - 32.3%
Mortality – UBI - .09% Control - 2.2%
Rebbeck, E. W. (1950). "Use of Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (Knott Technic) in Biliary Tract Surgery," American Journal of Surgery 80:1: 106-12
Cholecystitis (inflammation from Gallstones)
Postoperative in elderly patients
Mumladze, R.B. et al. (1994). "A Comparison of Different Methods for Quantum Hemotherapy in Treating Complicated Forms of Acute Cholecystitis in Middleaged and Elderly Patients [Russian]," Vestnik Khirugii 152:1-2:112-5
Another study had 45 healthy controls and 130 patientss with acute cholecustitis – 85 received LBI and 40 standard medications. Researchers found that LBI significantly superior to standard therapy.
Sukhanova, G. I. (1993). Laser Therapy in the Far East [Russian]. Vladivostok:
14 cases of necrotizing pancreatitis – 10 with hemorrhagic pancreonecrosis , 8 were in serious condition with symptoms of enzymatic toxemia. No controls were used. After a barrage of other therapies failed to produce results they were given 1ml per KG of body weight of UBI donor plasma. Levels of enzymatic toxemia dropped by more than 2 times to near normal levels – 5-6 hrs after the infusion. Insulin resistance declined and other indicators improve.
Markov, I.N. , Chudnykh, S.M. and Kolesova, O.E., “Use of Donor Plasma Irradiated with UV in the Therapy of Destructive Pancreatitis [Russian] Khirurgiia (1994), No 3, pp 28-29
In another study 65 patients with acute pancreatitis were treated with an average of 1.5 UBI treatments pre and post operative. Some were treated with UBI and had no surgery. Researchers found that in UBI patients – appetites improved, tachycardia lessened, fever declines and lab results normalized. Evidence of immunostimulation was present with no side effects from the UBI. The study is flawed because its lack of controls and the low number of UBI treatments.
Filin, V.I., Koval’chuk, V.I., Kravets, V.N., “UBIof Patients with Acute Pancreatits [Russina],” Klinicheskaia Khirurgiia 11 (1984), pp 28-29
In a third study, with 60 patients 47 had chronic pancreatitis and 13 acute pancreatitis, patients received 5-7 LBI treatments following failure of standard drugs. 92% saw pain reduction and vomiting, 83% lessened nausea, 87% improved appetite, 83% reduction of belly distention. As an indicator of improved functioning pancreas, in the acute cases the level of amylase in the urine dropped from 1826.82 +/- 401.4 to 52.77 +/- 4.9 g/l (p<.05)
Izhevsk, “Use of Low-Intensity lasers in Experimental and clinical Medicine [Russian] (1994) pp 63-64
In early American studies UBI suppressed inflammation, relaxed the sphincter of Oddi and returned amylase and lipase values to normal
Miley, G.P., Olney, R.C., Lewis, H.T. (1997). Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation: A History and Guide to Clinical Application 1933-1997). Silver Spring, Maryland: Foundation for Blood Irradiation.
Early American studies – 1942 with 72 patients (no controls) with 29 who had tried and failed sulfa therapy were divided in to three groups. All were treated with UBI, 40 with general peritonitis, 20 with abdominal abscesses and 12 females with multiple pelvic abscesses and severe pelvic peritonitis. 43 had moderately advanced peritonitis – all fo these recovered after UBI treatments. 29 were apparently moribund of these 9 out of 17 recovered in group recovered, 4 out of 7 of the second group and 6 out of 9 of the third group. The other moribund patients died, two of sigmoid carcinoma. The researchers noted that UBI treatments rapidly resolved papalytic ileus and led to rapid detoxification.
Miley, G.P., Rebbeck, E.W. (1943). "The Knott Technique of Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation as a Control of Infection in Peritonitis," Review of Gastroenterology 10:1:1-28
More recent study 35 patients with disseminated peritonitis found that with UBI treatment it reduced the mortality to 4 out of 35 vs. 10 out of 37 in the control group who were treated with standard combination therapy but without UBI. The UBI group also saw a sharp increase in the number of T-cells (60%) as well asa decrease in circulating immunocomplexes (36.5%). Patients received about 3 treatments each.
Ashurov, B.M, et al., “UBI in the Treatment of Disseminated Peritonitis [Russian], “Khirurgiia (1997), No 4, pp 44-47
Kidney Disease
12 patients with chronic glomerulonephritis without disruption of kidney failure were treated with LBI. Favorable results incurred. Proteinuria dropped from 1.34 to 0.71, 7 patients with hypertonic disease saw a reduction in systolic blood pressure from 180 ot 145.2 and diastolic from 118.4 to 88.5
Izhevsk, “Use of Low-Intensity lasers in Experimental and clinical Medicine [Russian] (1994) pp 44
LBI treatment in 61 chronic pyelonephritis patients – 67.4% had urolithiasis and 32.6 adenoma of the prostate.
Group 1 got standard antibiotic therapy – success rate 20.0%
Group 2 - 11 got local laser therapy – success rate 57.1%
Group 3 – 33 got LBI - success rate 64.3%
Researchers concluded that LBI shows “bactericidal action, activated the metabolism of substances and improved microcirculation and rheological properties of the blood. It leads to the removal of all hypoxia, it effects the release of a cascade of the patient’s own central and peripheral autoregulating systems adaptation, which medical substances do not.”
Neimark, A.I., Malazoniia, Z. T., and Karabasova, E.B., “The Capabilities of Local and Intervascular Laser Irradiation for Removing Immune Deficiencies in Patients with Chronic Pyelonephritis [Russian],” Urologiia I Nefrologiia (1995), No 2, pp 27-29
Migraine Headaches
12 patients with longstanding migraine headaches. 11 had “striking improvement” 7 needed maintenance treatments every two months.
Miley, G.P., Olney, R.C., Lewis, H.T. (1997). Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation: A History and Guide to Clinical Application 1933-1997). Silver Spring, Maryland: Foundation for Blood Irradiation.
East Germans have used it extensively. Placebo studies, comparative studies and UBI therapy were all looked at and the conclusion was “UBI is clearly superior…”. 21 patients were part of a double blind study – 2 ened up free of complaints, 5 noted significant improvement, 6 some improvements and 8 had no change. From a number of his studies 60-80% of migraine patients benefited from UBI, some of them even becoming headache free.
Ziepert, M amd Zeipert, M, Zur Wirkung der Ultraviolettbestrahlung des Eigenblutes bei der Migraene,” Fredrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena, Medizinische Fakultaet. Dissertation A, 1985, cited in Taubert (1991), p 45
87 Patients with burnis covering 3-60% of the body surface – 56 were IIIB-IV degree from 2-38% of the body surface. IN the first few days their mood improved, sleep normalized, appetites rose amd intenseness of pain diminished – drug reduced. Pneumonias disappeared. Epithelization of the surface II and IIIA degree burns took place. Hospitalization shortened from 33.9 days to 26.2 days with those having UBI treatments.
Ganelina, I.E. and K.A. Samoilova, eds. (1986). Mechanisms of the Influence of Blood Irradiated with Ultraviolet Rays on the Organisms of Humans and Animals [Russian], Leningrad: Nauka
Highly effective against viral and autoimmune eye disorders. 73% of patients with iridocyclitis and uveitis were cured in 4-5 weeks 15% more after further UBI treatment,
Frick, G. (1989). Fibel der Ultrviolettbestrahlung des Blutes. Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitaet Greifswald pg. 69
16 patients with relapsing chronic kerartitis and uveitis. All 16 responded with sharpened visual acuity, resorption of corneal precipitate and other improvements
Yeliserva, Y. V. et al, Intravascular LBI in the Treatment of Various Ocular Disorders [Russian],” Vestnik Oftalmologii 110 (1994), No 2, pp 23-24
50 men suffering from excretory infertility ages 21-39. 25 received standard therapy with UBI , 25 with just standard therapy. UBI group experienced improvement in sleep and appetite. UBI group had less oligospermia and higher numbers of motile sperm.
10 pregnancies occurred in the UBI group while 6 occurred in the control group
Tarinskii, A. P. et al, “Treatment of Male Excretory Infertility with UBI [Russina],” Akusherstvo I Ginekologiia (1990), No. 6, pp 61-62
Fungi and Protozoa, Malaria
Deactivation of Toxins – Botulism et al – Snake bite, Poison Ivy,
Lyme’s Disease, Pancreatic cancer and Non Healing wounds
Biliary Disease
Kidney Disease
Migraine Headaches
InfertilityBronchial Asthma
Positive results of an 80 case study
Miley, G.P., Seidel, R.E., Christensen, J.A. (1943) "Intractable Bronchial Asthma, Preliminary Report of Results Observed in 80 Cases," Archives of Physical Therapy 24:533-42
With Bronchial Asthma comparing hundreds of patients. LBI and UBI’s were very similar. Both conveyed a “beautiful therapeutic effect.”
Sukhanova, G. I. (1993). Laser Therapy in the Far East [Russian]. Vladivostok: Dal’nauka
Fungi and Protozoa
UBI has been effectively used for malaria – see www.Harrismed.com and click on PT2 on the left side
A Russian study on Candidiasis resulted in the cure of 8 out of 10 cases
Frick, G. (1989). Fibel der Ultrviolettbestrahlung des Blutes. Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitaet Greifswald
Deactivation of Toxins – Botulism et al – snake bite, poison Ivy,
A single treatment on a woman in a coma with advanced botulism brought her back to health in 13 days.
Miley, G.P. (1946). "Recovery from Botulism Coma Following Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (Knott Technic)," Review of Gastroenterology 13:1:17-19
Lymes Disease, Pancreatic cancer and Non Healing wounds
Non-Healing Wounds
6 cases of non-healing wounds – all appeared to respond very well to UBI
Miley, G.P. (1944). "Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (Knott Technique) Therapy in Non-Healing Wounds," American Journal of Surgery 65:3:368-72
Also check out the Harrismed.com web site for non healing wounds. UBI seems very effective in this area
Biliary Disease
Biliary Disease encompasses a wide spectrum of disorders caused by abnormalities in bile composition. Dr Olney treated 383 patients with this disease in the mid 1940s. 3 almost moribund, 5 very severe, 264 chronic without stones and 56 chrinic with stones, 55 chronic cholangitis and hepatitis, gall bladder previously removed.
The three almost moribund all recovered 2 left the hospital in 24 and 18 days and were in good health one year later. 4 of the 5 of the severe recovered without an operation. The others in the groups had good recoveries some with operations. He reported that UBI had great effects in limiting peritonitis, ileus, pain, pulmonary complications and phlebitis.
Olney, R.C. (1946). "Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation, Knott Method, in Biliary Disease," American Journal of Surgery 72:235-7
In 1950 Dr Rebbeck reported similar successes. Comparing 110 who had UBI and 226 others who did not.
Excessive nausea, vomiting and use of untubation in the UBI - 2.7% control – 33.1%
Excessive abdominal distension – UBI – 11.8% control - 28.8%
Temperatures above 102 - UBI – 15.4% control - 32.3%
Mortality – UBI - .09% Control - 2.2%
Rebbeck, E. W. (1950). "Use of Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (Knott Technic) in Biliary Tract Surgery," American Journal of Surgery 80:1: 106-12
Cholecystitis (inflammation from Gallstones)
Postoperative in elderly patients
- Control Group of 16 received standard srugs
- Group 2 of 20 received extracorporeal x-ray radiation of blood
- Group 3 of 20 received UBI
- Group 4 of 19 got donor blood that had a type of UBI
Mumladze, R.B. et al. (1994). "A Comparison of Different Methods for Quantum Hemotherapy in Treating Complicated Forms of Acute Cholecystitis in Middleaged and Elderly Patients [Russian]," Vestnik Khirugii 152:1-2:112-5
Another study had 45 healthy controls and 130 patientss with acute cholecustitis – 85 received LBI and 40 standard medications. Researchers found that LBI significantly superior to standard therapy.
Sukhanova, G. I. (1993). Laser Therapy in the Far East [Russian]. Vladivostok:
14 cases of necrotizing pancreatitis – 10 with hemorrhagic pancreonecrosis , 8 were in serious condition with symptoms of enzymatic toxemia. No controls were used. After a barrage of other therapies failed to produce results they were given 1ml per KG of body weight of UBI donor plasma. Levels of enzymatic toxemia dropped by more than 2 times to near normal levels – 5-6 hrs after the infusion. Insulin resistance declined and other indicators improve.
Markov, I.N. , Chudnykh, S.M. and Kolesova, O.E., “Use of Donor Plasma Irradiated with UV in the Therapy of Destructive Pancreatitis [Russian] Khirurgiia (1994), No 3, pp 28-29
In another study 65 patients with acute pancreatitis were treated with an average of 1.5 UBI treatments pre and post operative. Some were treated with UBI and had no surgery. Researchers found that in UBI patients – appetites improved, tachycardia lessened, fever declines and lab results normalized. Evidence of immunostimulation was present with no side effects from the UBI. The study is flawed because its lack of controls and the low number of UBI treatments.
Filin, V.I., Koval’chuk, V.I., Kravets, V.N., “UBIof Patients with Acute Pancreatits [Russina],” Klinicheskaia Khirurgiia 11 (1984), pp 28-29
In a third study, with 60 patients 47 had chronic pancreatitis and 13 acute pancreatitis, patients received 5-7 LBI treatments following failure of standard drugs. 92% saw pain reduction and vomiting, 83% lessened nausea, 87% improved appetite, 83% reduction of belly distention. As an indicator of improved functioning pancreas, in the acute cases the level of amylase in the urine dropped from 1826.82 +/- 401.4 to 52.77 +/- 4.9 g/l (p<.05)
Izhevsk, “Use of Low-Intensity lasers in Experimental and clinical Medicine [Russian] (1994) pp 63-64
In early American studies UBI suppressed inflammation, relaxed the sphincter of Oddi and returned amylase and lipase values to normal
Miley, G.P., Olney, R.C., Lewis, H.T. (1997). Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation: A History and Guide to Clinical Application 1933-1997). Silver Spring, Maryland: Foundation for Blood Irradiation.
Early American studies – 1942 with 72 patients (no controls) with 29 who had tried and failed sulfa therapy were divided in to three groups. All were treated with UBI, 40 with general peritonitis, 20 with abdominal abscesses and 12 females with multiple pelvic abscesses and severe pelvic peritonitis. 43 had moderately advanced peritonitis – all fo these recovered after UBI treatments. 29 were apparently moribund of these 9 out of 17 recovered in group recovered, 4 out of 7 of the second group and 6 out of 9 of the third group. The other moribund patients died, two of sigmoid carcinoma. The researchers noted that UBI treatments rapidly resolved papalytic ileus and led to rapid detoxification.
Miley, G.P., Rebbeck, E.W. (1943). "The Knott Technique of Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation as a Control of Infection in Peritonitis," Review of Gastroenterology 10:1:1-28
More recent study 35 patients with disseminated peritonitis found that with UBI treatment it reduced the mortality to 4 out of 35 vs. 10 out of 37 in the control group who were treated with standard combination therapy but without UBI. The UBI group also saw a sharp increase in the number of T-cells (60%) as well asa decrease in circulating immunocomplexes (36.5%). Patients received about 3 treatments each.
Ashurov, B.M, et al., “UBI in the Treatment of Disseminated Peritonitis [Russian], “Khirurgiia (1997), No 4, pp 44-47
Kidney Disease
12 patients with chronic glomerulonephritis without disruption of kidney failure were treated with LBI. Favorable results incurred. Proteinuria dropped from 1.34 to 0.71, 7 patients with hypertonic disease saw a reduction in systolic blood pressure from 180 ot 145.2 and diastolic from 118.4 to 88.5
Izhevsk, “Use of Low-Intensity lasers in Experimental and clinical Medicine [Russian] (1994) pp 44
LBI treatment in 61 chronic pyelonephritis patients – 67.4% had urolithiasis and 32.6 adenoma of the prostate.
Group 1 got standard antibiotic therapy – success rate 20.0%
Group 2 - 11 got local laser therapy – success rate 57.1%
Group 3 – 33 got LBI - success rate 64.3%
Researchers concluded that LBI shows “bactericidal action, activated the metabolism of substances and improved microcirculation and rheological properties of the blood. It leads to the removal of all hypoxia, it effects the release of a cascade of the patient’s own central and peripheral autoregulating systems adaptation, which medical substances do not.”
Neimark, A.I., Malazoniia, Z. T., and Karabasova, E.B., “The Capabilities of Local and Intervascular Laser Irradiation for Removing Immune Deficiencies in Patients with Chronic Pyelonephritis [Russian],” Urologiia I Nefrologiia (1995), No 2, pp 27-29
Migraine Headaches
12 patients with longstanding migraine headaches. 11 had “striking improvement” 7 needed maintenance treatments every two months.
Miley, G.P., Olney, R.C., Lewis, H.T. (1997). Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation: A History and Guide to Clinical Application 1933-1997). Silver Spring, Maryland: Foundation for Blood Irradiation.
East Germans have used it extensively. Placebo studies, comparative studies and UBI therapy were all looked at and the conclusion was “UBI is clearly superior…”. 21 patients were part of a double blind study – 2 ened up free of complaints, 5 noted significant improvement, 6 some improvements and 8 had no change. From a number of his studies 60-80% of migraine patients benefited from UBI, some of them even becoming headache free.
Ziepert, M amd Zeipert, M, Zur Wirkung der Ultraviolettbestrahlung des Eigenblutes bei der Migraene,” Fredrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena, Medizinische Fakultaet. Dissertation A, 1985, cited in Taubert (1991), p 45
87 Patients with burnis covering 3-60% of the body surface – 56 were IIIB-IV degree from 2-38% of the body surface. IN the first few days their mood improved, sleep normalized, appetites rose amd intenseness of pain diminished – drug reduced. Pneumonias disappeared. Epithelization of the surface II and IIIA degree burns took place. Hospitalization shortened from 33.9 days to 26.2 days with those having UBI treatments.
Ganelina, I.E. and K.A. Samoilova, eds. (1986). Mechanisms of the Influence of Blood Irradiated with Ultraviolet Rays on the Organisms of Humans and Animals [Russian], Leningrad: Nauka
Highly effective against viral and autoimmune eye disorders. 73% of patients with iridocyclitis and uveitis were cured in 4-5 weeks 15% more after further UBI treatment,
Frick, G. (1989). Fibel der Ultrviolettbestrahlung des Blutes. Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitaet Greifswald pg. 69
16 patients with relapsing chronic kerartitis and uveitis. All 16 responded with sharpened visual acuity, resorption of corneal precipitate and other improvements
Yeliserva, Y. V. et al, Intravascular LBI in the Treatment of Various Ocular Disorders [Russian],” Vestnik Oftalmologii 110 (1994), No 2, pp 23-24
50 men suffering from excretory infertility ages 21-39. 25 received standard therapy with UBI , 25 with just standard therapy. UBI group experienced improvement in sleep and appetite. UBI group had less oligospermia and higher numbers of motile sperm.
10 pregnancies occurred in the UBI group while 6 occurred in the control group
Tarinskii, A. P. et al, “Treatment of Male Excretory Infertility with UBI [Russina],” Akusherstvo I Ginekologiia (1990), No. 6, pp 61-62