OB GYN Studies
Septic Abortion Problems
Migraine Headache
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Neonates – Inflammatory Disorders
Sexually Transmitted Diseases -PIDSeptic Abortion Problems
One study which UBI was combined with hemoabsorption found a fourfold decline in mortality and a more rapid recovery on average.
Maltsuyev, A.I. et al. “The Use of UBI in Obstetrical-Gynecological Practice [Russian], “ Akusherstvo I Ginekologiia (1990), No 8, p.8
126 patients with sepsis study, 66 had septic abortion. There were 3 groups comprised of 42 patients each. Group 1 – 3-10 sessions of UBI, Group 2 UBI plus hemoabsorption, Group 3 standard drug treatment.
Group 1 – 2 cases of septicopyemia and 14deaths
Group 2 – 0 cases of septicopyemia and 6 deaths
Group 3 – 6 cases of septicopyemia and 23 deaths
In numerous studies by the same authors, 215 Women treated for gynecological disorders ranging from adnexitis to endometriosis to disruptions in the menstrual cycle found UBI to have an analgesic, detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effect.
Ganelina, I.E.et al. “Zur Therapie schwerer Stenokardeien mittels Ultraviolettbestrahlung des Blutes (UVB) and zu einigen Wirkungsmechanismen dieser Therapie,” Folia Haematologicia 109 (1982), pp. 31-38
Migraine Headache patients using UBI found a normalization of the menstrual cycle and conception as a side effect.
Frick, G. (1989). Fibel der Ultrviolettbestrahlung des Blutes. Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitaet Greifswald p. 74
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
119 patients with polycystic ovary syndrome with a control of 23. After UBI 25 of 29 women complaining of headache said that the headache disappeared or diminished. 29 of 41 with amenorrhea achieved a regular menstrual cycle. 7 of 24 complaining of infertility became pregnant. 8 of 42 complaining of hirutism experienced improvement. Lab reports included disappearance of hyperandrogenism and a tendency toward normalization of secretion of gonadotrophins.
Kalinin, A.P. et al., “UBI in the Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome [Russian],” Problemy Endokrinologii 38 (1992), No 6, pp.19-21
91 patients with preclampsia in the 3rd trimester were treated with LBI 1 received high doses of LBI for 20 minutes 7 days in a row while 30 patients received standard drugs. They found that LBI helped to stabilize erythrocyte membranes, improve microcirculation and blood rheology. It significantly reduced hemolysis, increased diuresis, resolved edema and rapidly and dramatically reduced proteinuria (0.24g/l compared to 0.82 g/l), lowered blood cholesterol and more rapidly alleviated hypertension compared to the control group.
Babies born to this LBI group had better APGAR scores – 20% required c-secion while 31% of the control had c-sections. IN conclusion LBI cut the rate of unsuccessful response to treatment from 61% to 20%
Bednarskii, A.S. et al. (1995). "The Use of Intravascular LBI in the Combination Therapy of Preeclampsia [Russian]," Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia 6:18-22
In regards to effect of BI on the fetus, after careful study ,no one has found any harmful effect nor sign of mutagenicity
Maltsuyev, A.I. et al. “The Use of UBI in Obstetrical-Gynecological Practice [Russian], “ Akusherstvo I Ginekologiia (1990), No 8, p.8
Evidence indicates that UBI stabilizes membranes against lipid peroxidation.
111 Preeclampsia [Russian]," Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia 6:18-22
Neonates – Inflammatory Disorders
52 neonates up to 12 hours old in critical condition with suppurative or inflammatory disorders. Upon 3 treatments of UBI – dose equivalent to body weight. Antihypoxic effect of UBI showed in 28 cases. The infants became more active and stopped having breathing
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Achieved an 80% totally successful outcome in severe, refractory cases. Only 20% needed surgery.
Olney, R.C. (1947). "Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation Treatment of Pelvic Cellulitis, Knot Method," American Journal of Surgery 84:4:440-3
Sexually Transmitted Diseases – Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
631 patients treated over a three year period. 200 classified as very severe with recurring attacked from several months to years. UBI monotherapy relieved all symptoms and patients returned to normal in 174 (79%). 24 patients (11%) were improved while 22% (10%) required operations for ovarian cysts, fibroids or abscesses.
Olney, R.C. (1947). "Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation Treatment of Pelvic Cellulitis, Knot Method," American Journal of Surgery 84:4:440-3
A Study in 1990 with 23 patients with various kinds of PID and related conditions were treated with UBI plus drugs and a control group of another 24 received just standard drug therapy. Pain disappeared, terperature normalized and disease signs disappeared much sooner with the UBI group. They healed in an average of 12 days while the control group took 21 days.
Mashkin, O. A et a, The UBI method in the Combination Therapy of Patients with Inflammatory Conditions of the Genitals [Russian],” Akusherstvo I Ginekologiia (1990), No 10, pp. 58-60
Migraine Headache
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Neonates – Inflammatory Disorders
Sexually Transmitted Diseases -PIDSeptic Abortion Problems
One study which UBI was combined with hemoabsorption found a fourfold decline in mortality and a more rapid recovery on average.
Maltsuyev, A.I. et al. “The Use of UBI in Obstetrical-Gynecological Practice [Russian], “ Akusherstvo I Ginekologiia (1990), No 8, p.8
126 patients with sepsis study, 66 had septic abortion. There were 3 groups comprised of 42 patients each. Group 1 – 3-10 sessions of UBI, Group 2 UBI plus hemoabsorption, Group 3 standard drug treatment.
Group 1 – 2 cases of septicopyemia and 14deaths
Group 2 – 0 cases of septicopyemia and 6 deaths
Group 3 – 6 cases of septicopyemia and 23 deaths
In numerous studies by the same authors, 215 Women treated for gynecological disorders ranging from adnexitis to endometriosis to disruptions in the menstrual cycle found UBI to have an analgesic, detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effect.
Ganelina, I.E.et al. “Zur Therapie schwerer Stenokardeien mittels Ultraviolettbestrahlung des Blutes (UVB) and zu einigen Wirkungsmechanismen dieser Therapie,” Folia Haematologicia 109 (1982), pp. 31-38
Migraine Headache patients using UBI found a normalization of the menstrual cycle and conception as a side effect.
Frick, G. (1989). Fibel der Ultrviolettbestrahlung des Blutes. Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitaet Greifswald p. 74
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
119 patients with polycystic ovary syndrome with a control of 23. After UBI 25 of 29 women complaining of headache said that the headache disappeared or diminished. 29 of 41 with amenorrhea achieved a regular menstrual cycle. 7 of 24 complaining of infertility became pregnant. 8 of 42 complaining of hirutism experienced improvement. Lab reports included disappearance of hyperandrogenism and a tendency toward normalization of secretion of gonadotrophins.
Kalinin, A.P. et al., “UBI in the Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome [Russian],” Problemy Endokrinologii 38 (1992), No 6, pp.19-21
91 patients with preclampsia in the 3rd trimester were treated with LBI 1 received high doses of LBI for 20 minutes 7 days in a row while 30 patients received standard drugs. They found that LBI helped to stabilize erythrocyte membranes, improve microcirculation and blood rheology. It significantly reduced hemolysis, increased diuresis, resolved edema and rapidly and dramatically reduced proteinuria (0.24g/l compared to 0.82 g/l), lowered blood cholesterol and more rapidly alleviated hypertension compared to the control group.
Babies born to this LBI group had better APGAR scores – 20% required c-secion while 31% of the control had c-sections. IN conclusion LBI cut the rate of unsuccessful response to treatment from 61% to 20%
Bednarskii, A.S. et al. (1995). "The Use of Intravascular LBI in the Combination Therapy of Preeclampsia [Russian]," Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia 6:18-22
In regards to effect of BI on the fetus, after careful study ,no one has found any harmful effect nor sign of mutagenicity
Maltsuyev, A.I. et al. “The Use of UBI in Obstetrical-Gynecological Practice [Russian], “ Akusherstvo I Ginekologiia (1990), No 8, p.8
Evidence indicates that UBI stabilizes membranes against lipid peroxidation.
111 Preeclampsia [Russian]," Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia 6:18-22
Neonates – Inflammatory Disorders
52 neonates up to 12 hours old in critical condition with suppurative or inflammatory disorders. Upon 3 treatments of UBI – dose equivalent to body weight. Antihypoxic effect of UBI showed in 28 cases. The infants became more active and stopped having breathing
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Achieved an 80% totally successful outcome in severe, refractory cases. Only 20% needed surgery.
Olney, R.C. (1947). "Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation Treatment of Pelvic Cellulitis, Knot Method," American Journal of Surgery 84:4:440-3
Sexually Transmitted Diseases – Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
631 patients treated over a three year period. 200 classified as very severe with recurring attacked from several months to years. UBI monotherapy relieved all symptoms and patients returned to normal in 174 (79%). 24 patients (11%) were improved while 22% (10%) required operations for ovarian cysts, fibroids or abscesses.
Olney, R.C. (1947). "Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation Treatment of Pelvic Cellulitis, Knot Method," American Journal of Surgery 84:4:440-3
A Study in 1990 with 23 patients with various kinds of PID and related conditions were treated with UBI plus drugs and a control group of another 24 received just standard drug therapy. Pain disappeared, terperature normalized and disease signs disappeared much sooner with the UBI group. They healed in an average of 12 days while the control group took 21 days.
Mashkin, O. A et a, The UBI method in the Combination Therapy of Patients with Inflammatory Conditions of the Genitals [Russian],” Akusherstvo I Ginekologiia (1990), No 10, pp. 58-60